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Background: The factors affecting cardioprotective collateral circulation are still incompletely understood.
Recently, characteristics, such as CpG methylation of cell-free DNA (cfDNA), have been reported as markers with clinical utility.
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether cfDNA methylation patterns are associated with the grade of coronarycollateral circulation (CCC).
Enzymatic methyl-sequencing (EM-seq) libraries were prepared using the cfDNA extracted from the plasma.
Data were processed to obtain the average methylation fraction (AMF) tables of genomic regions from which blacklisted regions were removed.
Unsupervised analysis of the obtained AMF values showed that some of the changes in methylation were due to CCC.
Finally, 20 DMRs were identified to have significantly different AMF values between the good and poor CCC groups.
Particularly, the good CCC group exhibited hypomethylated DMRs.
Pathway analysis revealed five pathways, including TGF-beta signaling, to be associated with good CCC.
Conclusion: These data have demonstrated that differential hypomethylation was identified in dozens of cfDNA regions in patients with good CCC.
Our results support the clinical utility of noninvasively obtained epigenetic signatures for predicting collateral circulation in patients with vascular diseases